Thursday, March 20, 2014

March 20th: Junk

A mostly uneventful Thursday. I was on the fence about treadmill vs. outdoors -- it was warm enough but still wet out. But the decision came together as I walked out to the car to drive Carol to the bus stop (which has become our morning ritual): A passing car splashed water all over me.

That's how dark it was when I got there.
The problem with PF was that it was hot. I guess they had the heat on winter mode. I was doing an easy 5,so it wasn't a real problem today. But it sheds some light on a few challenges I'll face. First off, its been months since I ran in heat and humidity, and I have no idea how I'll adapt. The other issue is with hydration. I went to the water bottle a few times over the 5 miles, but I'm not used to drinking that much. In fact, I took no fluids during my recent half-marathon. So getting the balance right -- and not having to use a porta- john -- could be tricky.

I'm at 27.25 for the week. Assuming no setbacks or complications, I'll have my longest week ever after Saturday. Tomorrow is all about rest. Still not sure about strength on Sunday -- my back is better than yesterday, but there's still a ways to go.

Total miles since starting the blog: 464.0

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