Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 12th: ...And One Step Back

I've been putting off writing this entry all day, because my heart just hasn't been into it.

Today at Planet Fitness was supposed to be interval day, as I mentioned yesterday. What I didn't mention, because it didn't seem like a big deal, was that the post-nasal drip sore throat. Well, I guess it was more of a big deal than I thought.

It was really just the accumulation of the crazy weekend driving to North Carolina and back, stress at work and yesterday's run, plus I've been around a couple of sick people of late. I woke up this morning feeling run down, but I wanted to keep consistent, so I headed to PF.

I've used this pic before, but I need some good feelings today.
OK, so you can probably figure out the narrative. Got going into my intervals and felt crappy. Sometimes things get better once I get going, but not today. 25 minutes in, I was cooked. I slowed the belt to 6.2 to finish out a 5K, and that was it.

I felt so bad I wound up calling out of work so I could rest. I'm throwing in the towel on tomorrow's run, too. After missing my long this past week, I want to be sure I can do it on Saturday. I'll even push it to Sunday if I need an extra day of rest.

While I've been lying around today, I've been having a pity party. I've been feeling like maybe I bit off more than I can chew. Not that I can't get ready for a marathon, but what if this really just didn't fit into my life? My day is long -- I don't get home until after 8:00 most nights, and I'm out of bed at 5:30 a.m. I just want to be well, so I don't have these kind of days anymore.

OK, enough of that. As Jackie pointed out, I've really come a long way already. I'm not going stop training. And though I may not have advanced too far since the half-marathon, I certainly have done enough that I haven't lost any fitness. So if I can just get myself back on track with a few more days of rest, I'll be good to go.

Total miles since starting the blog: 422.2.

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