Monday, October 14, 2013

October 14th: Weekend Wrapup

Did plenty of exercising over the weekend, but didn’t get to the blog till this morning. Let’s catch up.

Saturday, Jackie and I went to the gym midday, while Carol was at her riding lesson. (They’re nearby each other.) Got in some good strength training -- core work, arms, leg press. Then I did 4.3 miles on the treadmill at pace, around 9:05 per mile on a 1 percent incline.

Sunday, I took the dog for what I assumed would be an easy recovery run. Remember when I once said that the dog slows me down? Not so much. 3.67 miles at under 9:00 per, with me holding her back on the leash. We also had to use the alternative route home, because the low-lying road near the beach was flooded after 4 straight days of onshore winds. (This area got hit really hard during Sandy.)

The other issue was that with runs in 4 of 5 days, the whole lower leg was barking at me yesterday. So today is a rest day, and tomorrow is a travel day, so that makes it a rest day, too.

And that brings me to the other thing I want to mention: I’m looking forward to getting in my first out-of-state run this week. I’ll be in Nashville, staying near the Vandy campus and a pretty big park. Looks like I’ll have a great chance to get a few miles in. Also, I won’t have the dog guilting me into taking her along.

The Seaside Heights half is on Sunday. So if I get a good run in on Wednesday, and something easy in on Thursday, I’m going to give it a shot.

Total miles since starting this blog: 75.8.

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