Wednesday, September 25, 2013

September 25th: Gym Day

Quick post today.

Hit the gym today -- it's been a week, and I'm still nursing the Muscle That Shall Not Be Named. Mostly core work, with a little bit of other stuff thrown in.
  • Vertical knee raises: 3 sets of 12 -- First set and 9 of second set were straight leg lifts.
  • Ab coaster: 3 sets each straight, turned left, turned right.
  • Bicycle crunches: 3 sets of 12 (I think I threw a couple extra in there.)
  • Lying knee raise: 2 set of 12
  • Sitting bench press: 3 drop-weight sets, 130/8 reps-110/9 reps-90/9 reps. 
  • Leg press: 3 sets of 12, 300-300-285. (Threw a couple extra in there too.)
  • Lower back extension: 3 sets of 12 at 255
  • Cable Cross twists: 3 sets of 12 on each side, first set at 25, last two at 20.
  • Cable Cross chest pulls: 2 sets of 12, 25-20.
  • Kettlebell squats: Used a small one for my first go at this, 3 sets of 12. Great exercise! Good core work and gets you a little winded.
  • Kettlebell juggles: 3 sets of about 20 each (lost count).
But today's story is that I woke up 10 minutes later than usual and was rushing -- and so I forgot both my hand towel and water bottle. Fortunately, I wore a sweatshirt, so that substituted for the towel. But I had to hit the water fountain four or five times throughout my workout, so that was a drag.

Tomorrow I'd like to do some more core exercises -- crunches, squats, planks. Need to teach myself how to do a side plank. Then I'll give the elliptical 30 minutes, give the MTSNBN a little more rest.

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