Thursday, February 20, 2014

February 20th: More Miles

Real quick entry today.

I got my 8 miles in on the belt -- actually 8.1. Felt good for most of it -- probably started getting a little tired close to the hour mark. But I knew it wasn't anything I couldn't handle, and I picked up the pace in the last few miles. I've read that if you want to push pace in a training run, it's best to do it at the end, and log the bulk of your miles at a reasonable pace.

The one thing I wasn't really expecting was that it got kind of warm at PF. We haven't had a lot of nice days lately, and this morning, as the sun came up, it was on my back. I don't know if there was an alternative, but someone should have considered that the window facade of the gym faces southeast -- pretty much right in the direction of the sun as it's rising -- before putting a row of treadmills just inside the window.

Well, I've logged 18.6 miles this week leading up to my long this weekend. I'm grateful for tomorrow's rest day, and I'm hoping against hope that I can do my 16 outdoors on Saturday. If I get that done -- or at least 11.4 -- it will be my first 30-mile week. I have to say, I'm also looking forward to next week -- with the half marathon on 3/2, I get three straight rest days beforehand.

Total miles since starting the blog: 347.2

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