Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sunday, December 8th: A Long Run to Nowhere

After two rest days -- one planned, one not so much (beer beat Gatorade Friday night) -- I knew I needed to get that long run in today. The problem: the weather.

It wasn't actually snowing this morning, but it was well below my threshold for the temperature I'm willing to tolerate -- below freezing, with a wind chill around 27. NFW. So, off to WOW for treadmill work. I took this pic about an hour after my run.

I warmed up for five minutes on the elliptical with the notion that I would do some quick core work before I started running. But there was an empty treadmill next to one with a hot chick running, so I made a beeline. Wait, wait, I'm not a creep -- it was my wife.

I'll cut to the chase: 9.33 miles (15k) at exactly 1:30. I varied things between 6.2 and 6.4 miles per hour, with a couple of faster bursts because I did want to get the 5k intervals in at 30:00. I also had the incline at 0.5 and 1.0 percent at various points, though I did most of it flat.

The upside to the treadmill, aside from it forcing you to keep up your pace, is similar to doing long runs near home: I find it easier to push a little farther knowing that I can stop, as opposed to having a fixed goal and wondering if I'm going to make it. I got to 10k and thought, "OK, go for 7 miles." Then 7.5. Then 8, then 8.75, and then 9.33. If I'd set out to go that distance to start, I'm not sure I would have gotten there. The downside: Ohmygod is it boring. Especially with Sunday morning news-talk shows on all the TV screens.

But bottom line is that it felt good to get a solid long run in, even if it wasn't that far. It restored a little bit of faith that I can get the distance up in time for the marathon. Some of that doubt was erased. And perhaps my other runs will be a little more successful now that I've pushed myself further and my stamina will presumably be higher. Consistency will be the key.

Unfortunately on that front, it looks like tomorrow will have to be an off day, too. Our office moved over the weekend, and I'll need to get in early to get my boxes unpacked and my desk set up. So Tuesday I'll get back at it. I think it's time to start working strength training back in.

Miles since starting the blog: 154.8

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